Nutrients and iseases


Below is a list of nutrients compared to linked disorders and dietary sources.

These lists are listed in order of the added knowledge of healthcare professionals and visitors.

For some of the nutrients the proportions are indicated and when you move over the food source with the mouse, you see the recommended daily amount of RDA and the maximum recommended amount.These values are taken from official analysistables and data from manufacturers.

Read here more about the new nutritional guideline that are specified bij the Dutch health council per september 2018.


Linked diseases (top 100)

  1. ADHD (Hyperactivity)
  2. Diabetes (type 2)
  3. Atrial fibrillation
  4. Rheumatism (artritis)
  5. Cognitive aging - aging of memory
  6. Muscular Rheumatism (PMR)
  7. Memory impairment
  8. Reduced sperm quality
  9. Infertility (men)
  10. Problem concentrating
  11. Depression
  12. Myocardial infarction - heart attack
  13. By Lie (bedsores)
  14. Periodontitis (tandkasontsteking)
  15. Alzheimer
  16. Cancer
  17. High cholesterol
  18. Reuma
  19. Aging of the skin (i.e. lines)
  20. Pregnancy
  21. Bad mood
  22. Psoriasis
  23. Hair Loss
  24. Skin cancer
  25. Her Aging
  26. Prostate Cancer
  27. Lyme disease
  28. Effort asthma
  29. Headache
  30. Imflammation
  31. Hereditary baldness - AGA
  32. Leaking gut
  33. Dry eye
  34. Acne
  35. Basal cell carcinoma (nodular)
  36. Juvenile Arthritis
  37. Postnatal depression
  38. Inability to think clearly
  39. Pancreatitis
  40. Joint disease
  41. Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)
  42. COVID-19
  43. Diabetes (type 1)
  44. Cholesterol disease
  45. Cataract
  46. Aging
  47. Prostate Disease
  48. Memory disorder
  49. Neuropathy
  50. Bowel disease
  51. Stomach Disorder
  52. Basal cell carcinoma
  53. Infertility
  54. Lung Disease
  55. Incontinence
  56. Bile duct cancer
  57. Menstruation
  58. Meningitis (meningitus)
  59. Allergy
  60. Fertility Disorder
  61. Crohn, disease
  62. Heart disease
  63. Vascular Disease
  64. Syndrome, Syndrome
  65. Parkinson disease
  66. Ulcer
  67. Flu
  68. High blood pressure
  69. Asthma
  70. Retina degeneration
  71. Glaucoma (glaucoma)
  72. Eye disease
  73. Overweight by insulin resistance
  74. Infertility (female)
  75. Menopausal
  76. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  77. Concentration Disorder
  78. Basal cell carcinoma (superficial)
  79. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  80. Reduced resistance
  81. Migraine
  82. Insulin tolerance / resistance
  83. Pneumonia
  84. Transition
  85. Adenocarcinoma
  86. Melanoma
  87. Dry skin
  88. Muscle recovery after exercise
  89. Gum inflammation (gingivitis)
  90. Lung Cancer
  91. Rectal cancer
  92. Low-grade inflammation
  93. Dementia
  94. Brain Disease
  95. LE (Lupus erythematosus)
  96. Tinnitus - Tinnitus
  97. Neurotransmitter deficiency
  98. Period cramps
  99. Impairment
  100. Nerve disease
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