Nutrients and iseases


Below is a list of nutrients compared to linked disorders and dietary sources.

These lists are listed in order of the added knowledge of healthcare professionals and visitors.

For some of the nutrients the proportions are indicated and when you move over the food source with the mouse, you see the recommended daily amount of RDA and the maximum recommended amount.These values are taken from official analysistables and data from manufacturers.

Read here more about the new nutritional guideline that are specified bij the Dutch health council per september 2018.


Linked diseases (top 100)

  1. Clotting Deviation
  2. Reduced resistance
  3. Connective tissue inflammation (conjunctivitis)
  4. Oxidative stress
  5. About Fatigue
  6. Nerve disease
  7. Nocturnal muscle cramp
  8. Connective Tissue Disease
  9. Liver disease
  10. Vascular Disease
  11. Dermatitis
  12. Aneurysm
  13. Iron deficiency - anemia
  14. Tumor Tissue
  15. Headache
  16. Hemophilia (blood clotting disorder)
  17. Tendon disorder
  18. Brittle bones (osteoporosis)
  19. Heart and vascular disease
  20. Imflammation
  21. Fertility Disorder
  22. Tension Headache
  23. Pigmentation
  24. Bone disease
  25. Connective tissue inflammation (eye)
  26. Skin infection
  27. Bleeding (chronic)
  28. Anemia (pregnancy)
  29. Hair disorder
  30. Anemia (congenital spherocytosis)
  31. Anemia
  32. Infertility
  33. Chronic fatigue syndrome - ME / CVS
  34. Heart disease
  35. Damaged body cells
  36. gestational hypertension (high blood pressure pregnancy)
  37. Musclecramp
  38. High blood pressure
  39. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  40. Cluster Headache
  41. Blood disease
  42. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
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