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Disease and nutrition

Rheumatism (artritis)

Nutrition controls an important part of your life. Choosing a healthy alternative is often easy.
Below is an overview of linked power supplies.
This list is automatically generated and sorted according to the symptom finder data.


Rheumatism (artritis)

Food sources

  1. Diet
  2. Eating asparagus
  3. Raspberries
  4. Eating bananas
  5. Eating Onions
  6. Valerian
  7. Eating Parsley
  8. Blueberry
  9. Omega-3   
  10. Borium
  11. strawberries
  12. Turmeric
  13. Spirulina
  14. Cucumber
  15. Hemp seed oil
  16. Linseed oil
  17. Devils Claw
  18. Eating Grapes
  19. Green Beans
  20. Krill Oil
  21. Mulberries
  22. Blueberries
  23. Creatine
  24. Cats claw
  25. Eating Cactus Fruit
  26. Black cumin
  27. Blackberry
  28. Ginger
  29. Manganese (bananas, whole grains, buckwheat, beans, etc.)
  30. Zinc   
  31. Rosehips
  32. Chromium
  33. Cod-liver oil
  34. Reishi
  35. Eating yellow melon
  36. Antioxidants
  37. Cauliflower
  38. Nutmeg
  39. Black sesame seeds
  40. Cherries
  41. Celery
  42. Black currants
  43. Peppermint
  44. Codfish Liver Oil
  45. Vitamine B2   
  46. MSM
  47. Chlorella
  48. Selenium   
  49. Vitamin D   
  50. Eating sprouts
  51. Vegetable diet
  52. Astaxanthine
  53. Cinnamon
  54. Taking missing amino acids
  55. Juniper
  56. Vitamin K  
  57. Linoleic acid  
  58. Vitamin B3 (Niacine)
  59. Eating Chervil
  60. Borage oil
  61. Paprika
  62. Gotu kola
  63. Shallots
  64. Ensuring good gut health
  65. Kefir
  66. Sesame
  67. Carbohydrate diet
  68. Panax ginseng
  69. Sugar free diet
  70. Herbs and spices
  71. Okra raw
  72. Horsetail
  73. No pre-processed food
  74. Glucosamine
  75. Boswellia
  76. Mediterranean diet
  77. Arnica
  78. Comfrey
  79. Sint-janskruid
  80. Coconut Oil
  81. Ambrotose® Complex Powder
  82. SAM-e
  83. D-ribose
  84. Beta-glucan
  85. Omega-6   
  86. Linseed
  87. Avoiding coffee
  88. Ashwagandha
  89. Healthy Eating
  90. Dryed prunes
  91. Tomatoes
  92. Ivy
  93. Regularly eat potatoes
  94. No sour fruits
  95. Green tea
  96. Eating Honey Melon
  97. Calamus
  98. Eucalyptus
  99. Avoidance of chocolate
  100. Citric

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Muscular Rheumatism (PMR)

Food sources

  1. Diet
  2. Turmeric
  3. Eating asparagus
  4. Krill Oil
  5. Zinc   
  6. Spirulina
  7. MSM
  8. Omega-3   
  9. Chlorella
  10. Eating bananas
  11. Cherries
  12. Eating Parsley
  13. Eating Grapes
  14. Blueberries
  15. Cayenne pepper
  16. Celery
  17. Pine
  18. Regularly eat potatoes
  19. Black cumin
  20. Eating Honey Melon
  21. Eating Chervil
  22. Coconut Oil


Fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism)

Food sources

  1. Borage oil
  2. Diet
  3. Ambrotose® Complex Powder
  4. Eating asparagus
  5. Beta-glucan
  6. D-ribose
  7. SAM-e
  8. Magnesium   
  9. Turmeric
  10. Selenium   
  11. Eating bananas
  12. Cats claw
  13. MSM
  14. Sint-janskruid
  15. CBD oil
  16. Magnesium malate
  17. Vitamin B6   
  18. Zinc   


Juvenile Arthritis

Food sources

  1. Diet
  2. Organic food
  3. Eating asparagus
  4. Omega-3   
  5. Blueberries
  6. Vitamin B3 (Niacine)



Food sources

  1. Omega-3   
  2. Vitamin B3 (Niacine)
  3. Chondroitin
  4. Linseed oil
  5. Avoiding coffee
  6. Black soybeans
  7. Apples
  8. Celery
  9. Kefir
  10. Eating Grapes
  11. No pre-processed food
  12. SAM-e
  13. Oysters
  14. No tomatoes
  15. Shallots
  16. Camomile
  17. Ginger
  18. Honey with cinnamon
  19. Propolis (bees)
  20. Eating Parsley
  21. Green Beans
  22. Dryed prunes
  23. Vitamin B5 (Pantotheenacid)
  24. Dandelion
  25. Chestnuts
  26. Black currants
  27. Blackberry
  28. Gotu kola
  29. Glucosamine
  30. No black tea
  31. Diet
  32. Sulfur
  33. Blueberry
  34. Apple Cider Vinegar
  35. Leek
  36. Hemp seed oil
  37. Eating Cactus Fruit
  38. Vegetable diet
  39. Beta-glucan
  40. Hyaluronic acid
  41. Watercress
  42. Magnesium   
  43. Codfish Liver Oil
  44. Black cumin
  45. Plums
  46. Horsetail
  47. Mulberries
  48. Eating Chervil
  49. Paprika
  50. Herring
  51. Green tea
  52. Juniper
  53. Spirulina
  54. Eating bananas
  55. Willow
  56. Devils Claw
  57. Astaxanthine
  58. Spice curcumin
  59. Avoidance of chocolate
  60. Rosemary
  61. Mustard seed
  62. MSM
  63. thyme
  64. Borage oil
  65. Eating sprouts
  66. Do not eat beef
  67. Reishi
  68. Shark cartilage
  69. Sesame
  70. Peppermint
  71. Laurel
  72. Vitamin K  
  73. Blueberries
  74. Arnica
  75. Boswellia
  76. Eating Honey Melon
  77. Extract of ginger
  78. Synovial tablets
  79. Tomatoes
  80. No dairy
  81. Eucalyptus
  82. Chlorella
  83. Cherries
  84. No corn products
  85. Cayenne pepper
  86. Krill Oil
  87. Selenium   
  88. High fiber foods   
  89. Pau d'arco
  90. Nutmeg
  91. Eating asparagus
  92. Melon
  93. Creatine
  94. Do not eat asparagus
  95. Do not eat beet
  96. Valerian
  97. Groenlipmossel
  98. Zinc   
  99. Taking missing amino acids
  100. Calamus

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Rheumatism (acute)

Food sources

  1. Chlorella
  2. Do not eat asparagus