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Disease and nutrition

Nerve disease

Nutrition controls an important part of your life. Choosing a healthy alternative is often easy.
Below is an overview of linked power supplies.
This list is automatically generated and sorted according to the symptom finder data.


Nerve disease

Food sources

  1. Fennel
  2. Vitamin B3 (Niacine)
  3. Vitamin B6   
  4. Calcium   
  5. Kelp
  6. Copper   
  7. Vitamin B12   
  8. Iodine   
  9. Linseed oil
  10. Bascillicum
  11. Potassium (such as whole grains, green vegetables, seaweed,   
  12. Regular coffee drinking
  13. Manganese (bananas, whole grains, buckwheat, beans, etc.)
  14. Magnesium   
  15. Vitamin B8 (Biotine)
  16. Vitamine B2   
  17. Eat apricots
  18. Salt   
  19. Selenium   
  20. Pumpkin
  21. strawberries
  22. Eating chocolate
  23. Pine
  24. Omega-3   
  25. Vitamin B
  26. Celeriac
  27. Maca
  28. Blueberry
  29. Eating Dates
  30. Sint-janskruid
  31. Lettuce
  32. Mulberry
  33. Nutmeg
  34. Oats
  35. Passionflower
  36. Coenzym Q10 - CoQ10
  37. Hazelnuts
  38. Cinnamon
  39. Gerst
  40. Melon seeds
  41. Eating Onions
  42. Seasalt
  43. Guarana
  44. Choline
  45. Vitamin C   
  46. vermoeid
  47. Walnuts
  48. Ginger
  49. Propolis (bees)
  50. Almonds
  51. Red paprika
  52. Camomile
  53. Eating green cabbage
  54. Chromium
  55. Nori
  56. Panax ginseng
  57. Chinese cabbage
  58. Aspartic
  59. Evening Primrose
  60. Sesame
  61. Olives
  62. Mint
  63. Chia seeds
  64. Pistachio nuts
  65. Vitamin B1   
  66. Carrots
  67. Ginkgo biloba