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Disease and nutrition

Overdose toxic substances - natural poisoning

Nutrition controls an important part of your life. Choosing a healthy alternative is often easy.
Below is an overview of linked power supplies.
This list is automatically generated and sorted according to the symptom finder data.


Overdose toxic substances - natural poisoning

Food sources

  1. Sunflower
  2. Eating Parsley
  3. Citric
  4. Coriander
  5. Wheatgrass
  6. Eating Onions
  7. Eating of lentils
  8. Garlic
  9. Hemp seed
  10. Cauliflower
  11. Oats
  12. Eating cabbage
  13. Dark green leafy vegetables
  14. Eating grapefruit
  15. Turnip greens
  16. Broccolli
  17. lemon Treatment
  18. Vitamin C   