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Color blindness

  • Article
  • 2021-01-31

If you have color blindness, it means that you see colors differently from most people. Usually color blindness makes it difficult to tell the difference between certain colors.

Most of the time, color blindness runs in families. There is no cure, but special glasses and contact lenses can help. Most people who are color blind can adapt and have no problems with everyday activities.

What are the types of color blindness?

The most common form of color blindness makes it difficult to tell the difference between red and green. Another type makes it difficult to tell the difference between blue and yellow. People who are completely color blind don't see any color at all, but that's not very common.

What are the symptoms of color blindness?

The main symptom of color blindness is not seeing colors the way most people do. If you are color blind you may have trouble seeing:

  • The difference between colors
  • How bright colors are
  • Different shades of colors

Symptoms of color blindness are often so mild that you may not notice them. And as we get used to the way we see colors, many people with color blindness don't know they have it.

People with very severe cases of color blindness may also have other symptoms, such as rapid side-by-side eye movements (nystagmus) or sensitivity to light.

Am I at risk for color blindness?

Men are at a much higher risk of color blindness than women. You are also more likely to be color blind if you:

  • Have a family history of color blindness
  • Have certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  • Have certain health conditions, such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Take certain medications
  • Are white

If you think you have color blindness, talk to your doctor about a checkup.

When should you get your child tested?

It can be difficult to diagnose color blindness in children. Children who are color blind may try to hide it. But being color blind can make it harder to read from a board or do other activities, so it's important to get your child tested if you have any concerns.

Have your child tested if they have a family history of color blindness or if they seem to have trouble learning colors.

Ask your child's eye doctor to test them. You may also be able to get your child tested at school.

What causes color blindness?

The most common types of color blindness are genetic, meaning they are passed on from parents.

Color blindness can also occur from damage to your eyes or brain. And seeing colors can get worse with age - often as a result of cataracts (cloudy areas in the lens of the eye).

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Did you know?

Everyone sees color a little differently - even people who are not color blind

About 1 in 12 men is color blind

Most people with color blindness are born with it, but sometimes it doesn't show up until later in life

How do I find out if I have color blindness?

Your eye doctor can usually use a simple test to tell you if you are color blind.

During the test, your eye doctor will show you a circle made up of many different colored dots. The circle has a shape made of dots - like a number, letter, or squiggly line. This form is easy to see if you do not have color blindness, but people who are color blind have difficulty seeing it.

What is the treatment for color blindness?

There is no cure for color blindness that runs in families, but most people find ways to adjust to it. Children with color blindness may need help with certain activities in the classroom, and adults with color blindness may not be able to perform certain tasks, such as being pilots or graphic designers. Keep in mind that color blindness doesn't usually cause serious problems.

If your color blindness occurs because of another health problem, your doctor will treat the condition causing the problem. If you are taking a medicine that causes color blindness, your doctor may adjust the amount you take or suggest that you switch to a different medicine.

If color blindness causes problems in everyday tasks, there are devices and technology that can help, including:

Glasses and contacts. Special contact lenses and glasses can help color blind people tell the difference between colors.

Visual aids. You can use visual aids, apps, and other technology to help you live with color blindness. For example, you can use an app to take a photo with your phone or tablet and then tap any part of the photo to find out the color of that area.

Discuss your options with your eye doctor. Remember these tips:

  • Ask your doctor about visual aids and technology that can help you with everyday tasks
  • Encourage family members to be checked for color blindness as it can run in families

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