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How do I stop snoring?

  • Article
  • 2020-09-08

About 10-50 of the people snore, the majority of which are men. Snoring often causes a bad night's sleep for the partner and there is a great need for a fitting solution. That is why we briefly explain the most common causes and the associated treatments below.


Some common causes are:

  • Overweight: Being overweight can cause the soft tissues in the pharynx to thicken, narrowing the airway.
  • Deviated lower jaw: When a lower jaw is smaller or positioned further back, the tongue may end up in the back of the throat sooner. It is often possible to have something done about this surgically.
  • Lifestyle: A certain lifestyle can have negative consequences for snoring. This includes alcohol consumption, smoking, sedatives, sleeping pills and heavy dishes before going to sleep.
  • Slack palate: A slack palate causes the airway to narrow, resulting in snoring.
    More causes and treatments for snoring can be found on the symptoms searcher.nl

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