Home / Treatments / Acne


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  • 2020-06-08

In acne (pimples), the sebaceous glands in the skin are inflamed. Almost everyone suffers from breakouts at some point in their lives.
It starts with greasy secretion of the sebaceous glands most common on the face, neck, back , shoulders and upper arms.

Acne is a collective name for several species, of which common types are:

How does acne develop?
In most cases, the cause of acne found in heredity and hormones within your body. In some cases, acne can be caused by external factors, such as contact with substances that can clog the sebaceous gland, such as oil-containing products, chlorinated products and cosmetics. Repeated pressing and rubbing on the skin can also stimulate sebum formation.

For the most current list of treatments, please refer you can go to the symptomzoeker .

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