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Old Age Myopia - Presbyopia

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  • 2021-01-31

Presbyopia is a refractive error that makes it difficult for middle and older adults to see things up close. It happens because the lens (an inner part of the eye that helps the eye focus) stops focusing light correctly onto the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye). Presbyopia is a normal part of aging. Everyone gets presbyopia with age - usually after the age of 45. Many people have another refractive error besides presbyopia. Read more about refractive errors. What are the symptoms of presbyopia? Symptoms of presbyopia include: Difficulty seeing things up close Keep reading material further away to focus on it Eye fatigue (if your eyes feel tired or painful) Headache Presbyopia gets worse over time, but usually gets worse no longer worse after the age of 65. What Causes Presbyopia? As you age, the lens in your eye becomes harder and less flexible, and light is no longer focused correctly on the retina. This makes nearby objects look blurry. Presbyopia is different from farsightedness - another refractive error that makes it difficult to see things up close. Read more about farsightedness. How does my eye doctor check for presbyopia? Ophthalmologists can check for presbyopia as part of a comprehensive eye exam. The exam is simple and painless. Learn What To Expect From A Comprehensive Dilated Eye Exam What Is The Treatment For Presbyopia? In the early stages of presbyopia, you can try some simple changes to help you read, such as: Keep reading materials farther away Choose large print books or increase font size on the computer Use brighter reading lights As your presbyopia gets worse, you probably have glasses or contact lenses to help you read. Some people use over-the-counter reading glasses - or your eye doctor can prescribe lenses to help you see as clearly as possible.

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