Home / Diseases groups vs Food / Cancer-group


Disease group vs food

Below you will find an overview of food sources that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

If you want to search through the system with more detail and intelligence, we refer you to the symptomchecker

Disease group Top foodsources
(Breast Cancer,
Pancreatic cancer,
Almond Cancer,
Uterine Cancer,
Cervical cancer,
Throat cancer,
Pleural cancer (malignant mesothelioma),
Bladder cancer ,
Ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer),
Rectal cancer,
Head and neck cancer,
Skin cancer,
Leukemia (blood cancer),
Liver cancer,
Lung Cancer,
Stomach cancer,
Prostate Cancer,
Labia Cancer,
Thyroid Cancer,
Esophageal cancer,
Gallbladder cancer (benign),
Gallbladder cancer (malignant),
Gallbladder Cancer,
Hodgkin (Lymphoma),
Milk Gang Cancer (breast cancer),
Nasal Cavity Cancer,
Kidney cancer (Wilms tumor),
Non-Hodgkin (Lymphoma),
Oorkanker (malignant),
Penis Cancer,
Larynx Cancer - laryngeal cancer,
Testicular Cancer,
Spine Cancer,
Thyroid cancer (papillary carcinoma),
Thyroid cancer (follicular carcinoma),
Thyroid cancer (medullary carcinoma),
Thyroid cancer (anaplastic carcinoma),
Bile duct cancer,
Basal cell carcinoma (superficial),
Basal cell carcinoma (nodular),
Bone cancer,
Mouth Cancer,
HER2-positive breast tumor,
Tracheal tumor,
Anus Cancer,
Adrenal Cancer,
Colon cancer,
NET cancer (stomach - type 1),
NET cancer (stomach - type 2),
NET cancer (stomach - type 3),
NET cancers (pancreas - gastrinoom),
NET cancers (pancreas - insulinoma),
NET cancers (pancreas - glucagonoom),
NET cancers (pancreas - VIPoom),
Endometrial cancer,
Cancer due to radiation,
Renal cell cancer,
Bile duct cancer,
Radical Remission (spontaneous cured from cancer),
Bladder cancer - muscle invasive form,
Bladder cancer - non-muscle invasive form,
Human papillomavirus (HPV),
Fear of cancer NOS,
Small intestine)
  1. Turmeric
  2. Plenty of fruit and vegetables
  3. Green tea
  4. Eating Cherimoya
  5. Drink no alcohol
  6. Vitamin D
  7. Eating asparagus
  8. Pau d'arco
  9. Vitamin C
  10. Restricted eating processed meat (i.e. sausages, ham, bacon)
  11. Vegetable from finial family food (cauliflower, broccoli)
  12. Regular caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate etc.)
  13. Graviola
  14. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) - part of green tea
  15. Bittermelon Juice
  16. Omega-3
  17. Folate
  18. Eating nuts
  19. Tomatoes
  20. Extract of ginger
  21. Dark green leafy vegetables
  22. Vitamin B12
  23. Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM)
  24. Resveratrol
  25. Eating Cactus Fruit
  26. Broccolli
  27. Cats claw
  28. Selenium
  29. Soyfoods
  30. No dairy
  31. Kiwi
  32. Clove
  33. Vitamin B6
  34. Capsaïcine (i.e. red peppers)
  35. Be prevented by regularly drinking black coffee
  36. Eating tomato products (especially lycopene)
  37. Raspberries
  38. No soda drink
  39. Eating sprouts
  40. Mediterranean diet