Home / Diseases groups vs Food / Asthma-group


Disease group vs food

Below you will find an overview of food sources that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

If you want to search through the system with more detail and intelligence, we refer you to the symptomchecker

Disease group Top foodsources
(Occupational asthma,
Effort asthma)
  1. Paprika
  2. Groenlipmossel
  3. Astaxanthine
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Restricted eating processed meat (i.e. sausages, ham, bacon)
  6. No soda drink
  7. Pumpkin
  8. Quercetin
  9. Omega-3
  10. No fastfood
  11. Choline
  12. Eating Parsley
  13. Reishi
  14. Eat apricots
  15. Kiwi
  16. Regular coffee drinking
  17. Ginkgo biloba
  18. Boswellia
  19. Sulforaphane
  20. Chili peper
  21. Cats claw
  22. N-acetylcysteïne - NAC
  23. Eating fish
  24. Eucalyptus
  25. Terminalia beleirica
  26. AM. cherry
  27. Ginger
  28. Yam
  29. royal Jelly
  30. Ammi
  31. Ketogeen diet
  32. Eating Onions
  33. Avoidance of cod liver
  34. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA)
  35. Guarana
  36. Walnuts
  37. Ephedra
  38. Vitamin C
  39. Broccolli
  40. Kefir