Home / Disease group / Psoriasis-group


Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

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Disease group Treatment (support)
(Psoriatic arthritis)
  1. Inflammatory
  2. Horse
  3. Enbrel ® (injection)
  4. Rheumatologist
  5. Arcoxia
  6. TNF-blocker
  7. Avoidance of stress
  8. Fumaric
  9. Celebrex
  10. Dermatologist
  11. Ichthyotherapie (therapy with fish)
  12. Turmeric
  13. Ginger
  14. Essential oils (Palmarosa)
  15. Drink no alcohol
  16. Prednisone
  17. Drinking alcohol in moderation
  18. Paprika
  19. Sunlight
  20. Cayenne pepper
  21. Peas
  22. Red paprika
  23. Limiting sugary foods
  24. Eating of lentils
  25. Devils Claw
  26. Sufficient fish
  27. Apple Cider Vinegar
  28. Chili peper
  29. wholemeal products
  30. Potatoes
  31. Pure chocolate (min. 70%)
  32. Restricted eating processed meat (i.e. sausages, ham, bacon)
  33. Eating raw mushrooms
  34. Aubergine
  35. Tomatoes
  36. Garlic
  37. Eating nuts
  38. Excimer Therapy (beam)
  39. Dovobet ® (gel)