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Knee condition

Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

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Disease group Treatment (support)
Knee condition
(Knee Complaints,
Kneecap Instability,
Knee prosthesis loosening,
Housewife Knee (bursitis),
Knee dislocation,
Patella Fracture,
Dislocation Patella (Kneecap Disease),
Patellar cartilage disorder,
Nail-patella syndrome (Nail patella syndrome),
Damaged cartilage (knee),
Springer Knee,
Sprain / strain of knee,
Acute internal damage knee,
Injury collateral knee ligaments,
Instable knee,
Corpus liberum knee)
  1. Operation
  2. Nat connection
  3. Unburden
  4. Operation (fix)
  5. Remove (bursa)
  6. Small holes filled with bone marrow cells
  7. FGXpress powerstrips
  8. Cooling affected area
  9. Not maximum bending
  10. Orthopedics
  11. Exercise (muscle strengthening)
  12. Physiotherapy
  13. General practitioner
  14. Inflammatory
  15. Manganese (bananas, whole grains, buckwheat, beans, etc.)
  16. Painkiller (s)
  17. Cartilage Cells mixed with bone marrow stem cells
  18. Nettle Tea Drinking
  19. Rest
  20. Reflexology
  21. X-ray
  22. Recovery within a few months
  23. Wait (several months)
  24. Start searching for another sport
  25. MRI
  26. Ibuprofen
  27. Chondroitin sulphate
  28. Paracetamol
  29. Glucosamine
  30. Recovery within weeks
  31. Custom move
  32. Alternative Medicine