Home / Disease group / Hemorrhoids-group


Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
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Disease group Treatment (support)
(Vascular Disease,
Hemorrhoids Grade 1,
Hemorrhoids Grade 2,
Hemorrhoids Grade 3,
Hemorrhoids Grade 4,
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy)
  1. Soda
  2. Rutin
  3. HemoClin® (self care)
  4. Apple cider vinegar on affected area
  5. Theranal Hemorrhoids Ointment
  6. A.Vogel Echinaforce Tablets
  7. Toilet visits to urge
  8. Reflexology
  9. Botox threatment
  10. Sperti Hemorrhoids Ointment
  11. Do not use panty liners
  12. General practitioner
  13. Sitz bath (s)
  14. Ginkgo biloba
  15. Eating Honey Melon
  16. Dulcolax Tablets
  17. Sufficient exercise
  18. Suppository (s)
  19. Kinderasperine (80mg)
  20. A. Bird Hamamelis Hemorrhoids Ointment
  21. strawberries
  22. Surgical removal
  23. High fiber foods
  24. Zinc Ointment
  25. Cellulose
  26. Eating asparagus
  27. EpiAnal Hemorrhoids Ointment
  28. Coconut Oil
  29. Do not scratch
  30. Raspberries
  31. Drinking watermeloensap
  32. Iron tablets
  33. Eating Grapes
  34. General practitioner (urgent)
  35. Thoroughly clean the anus after defecation
  36. OPC grape seed extract
  37. Warm bath
  38. Cotton underwear
  39. Copper