Home / Disease group / Meningitis (meningitus) - bacterial-group

Meningitis (meningitus) - bacterial

Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
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Disease group Treatment (support)
Meningitis (meningitus) - bacterial
(Meningitis (meningitus),
Meningitis (meningitus),
Brain Disease)
  1. Antibiotics
  2. General practitioner (urgent)
  3. General practitioner
  4. Operation
  5. Hospital (emergency)
  6. Vitamin B12
  7. Muscles do not overload
  8. No smoking
  9. Rinse with distilled water
  10. Eculizumab
  11. No treatment is necessary
  12. Inflammatory
  13. Drink no alcohol
  14. Antibiotics (ointment)
  15. Adequate drinking
  16. Vaccination
  17. Dentist
  18. Amoxicillin
  19. Rest
  20. Corticosteroid (ophthalmic)
  21. Painkiller (s)
  22. Green tea
  23. Turmeric
  24. Medications
  25. Vitamin C
  26. Garlic
  27. Omega-3
  28. Bed rest
  29. Paracetamol
  30. Antihistamines (itch-stillend)
  31. CT scan
  32. Preventable with dabigatran
  33. Antibiotics (cure)
  34. Remove (moisture)
  35. Wait (weeks)
  36. Physiotherapy
  37. Sufficient rest
  38. Increased concentration of antibiotics
  39. Eating asparagus