Home / Disease group / Stress-group


Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

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Disease group Treatment (support)
(Stress incontinence,
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Stress Stains,
Stress-related abdominal pain,
Overweight by too much stress and congested adrenals,
  1. Relax
  2. Keep a diary
  3. General practitioner
  4. A. Vogel Homeopathie Valeriaan O=D1
  5. Accept
  6. Emotional Freedom Technique (ETF)
  7. Beta Blocker
  8. Gum
  9. Medications
  10. Magnesium
  11. Rhodiola
  12. Additional minerals
  13. Hemorrhoids Ointment (self care)
  14. Healthy Eating
  15. Lemon balm (leaves)
  16. Vitamin B3 (Niacine)
  17. Evening Primrose
  18. Sling surgery
  19. Manganese (bananas, whole grains, buckwheat, beans, etc.)
  20. Sufficient exercise
  21. Drinking alcohol in moderation
  22. Valerian
  23. Vitamin D
  24. Lavender
  25. No E-numbers
  26. Extra vitamin
  27. TVT tape places
  28. Use of sanitary napkins
  29. Pepaald by genes
  30. Victim
  31. Operation
  32. Salt
  33. Strengthen pelvic floor
  34. Pure chocolate (min. 70%)
  35. Reflexology
  36. Adrenal Function adrenaline, stress test (home test)
  37. Chair
  38. Vitamin B5 (Pantotheenacid)
  39. Camomile