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Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
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Disease group Treatment (support)
(Whooping cough,
Tickle Cough - Dry Cough,
Mucus Cough,
Stuck cough (children),
Stuck cough (adults),
Mucus Cough)
  1. Inhalants with essential oils such as eucalyptus, thyme and
  2. Prospan (cough syrup)
  3. Drosera Rotundifolia D3
  4. Fluimucil (vastzittende hoest)
  5. Natterman Bronchicum Syrup Extra Strong
  6. Pure chocolate (min. 70%)
  7. Adequate drinking
  8. Sucking candies
  9. No treatment is necessary
  10. Medications
  11. Bisolvon (kids)
  12. Wait (weeks)
  13. Antibiotics
  14. Thyme (leaves)
  15. Symptom Control
  16. Natterman Mucodyne Adult Hoestdrank
  17. Area good airing
  18. Fluitussin
  19. Elderberry
  20. Drink tea with honey
  21. Warm drinks
  22. Bromhexine (Bisolvon ®)
  23. Avoiding dry areas
  24. Isla throat pastilles
  25. No dairy
  26. Gelsemium, Gele jasmijn - Hepar sulphuricum
  27. Cuprum metallicum
  28. Roter Noscapect Dragees
  29. Fluimucil drink junior
  30. Prick Test
  31. Codeine
  32. Noscapine
  33. Extra oxygen
  34. Diet
  35. Vitamin C
  36. Ipecacuanha
  37. Honey
  38. Hospitalization
  39. Vaccination