Home / Disease group / Nausea-group


Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

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Disease group Treatment (support)
(Pregnancy Nausea,
Sickness (morning))
  1. Emesafene
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar
  4. VSM Okugest bowel dysfunction
  5. No treatment is necessary
  6. Magnesium
  7. Raspberry Journal
  8. Acupuncture
  9. Suppository (s)
  10. Eating dry biscuits
  11. Glucose meal
  12. Vitamin B6
  13. Cayenne pepper
  14. No caffeine - caffeine free diet
  15. Minute with two fingers on belly button
  16. Ginger
  17. Ginger Spice
  18. Do not eat fat
  19. Fat food
  20. Infusion
  21. Pyridoxine
  22. Good ventilation
  23. More often but small meals
  24. Nux vomica D4® (A. Vogel)
  25. Adequate drinking
  26. Sea-Band Mama Wristbands
  27. Citric
  28. Raspberries
  29. Ginger 4x 75gram a day
  30. Salt
  31. Ginger cookies
  32. Japanese apricot
  33. Vitamin C
  34. Decaffeinated cola drink
  35. Sufficient rest
  36. Ginger tea
  37. Vitamin K
  38. Cohosh
  39. Do not eat too much salt