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Heart disease

Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

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Disease group Treatment (support)
Heart disease
(Pericardium inflammation (chronic),
Pericardium inflammation (acute),
Pericardium with fluid retention (Cardiac tamponade),
Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis),
Stable angina (angina),
Unstable angina (angina),
Heart valve Deviation,
Heart Murmur,
Cardiac arrest - heart failure,
Myocardial infarction - heart attack,
Heart Block,
Heart and vascular disease,
Heart and vascular disease,
Myocardial infarction - heart attack (men),
Myocardial infarction - heart attack (women),
Atrial fibrillation,
Atrial flutter)
  1. ECG
  2. Infrared sauna
  3. Electro version (elektriche shock)
  4. Result of rheumatic heart inflammation
  5. Bed rest
  6. Drinking alcohol in moderation
  7. General practitioner (urgent)
  8. Avoidance of stress
  9. Operation
  10. Medications
  11. Inflammatory
  12. Do not eat products containing sodium
  13. No smoking
  14. Pacemaker
  15. Cayenne pepper
  16. Remove (moisture)
  17. Healthy Eating
  18. No treatment is necessary
  19. Cardiology
  20. Omega-3
  21. Result of venereal
  22. Resuscitation
  23. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
  24. Preventable with good oral hygiene
  25. Heat shock proteins (Hsp)
  26. Plas Pills
  27. Cardiac Catheterization
  28. Stethoscope
  29. Eating broccoli sprouts
  30. Peanuts
  31. Magnesium
  32. Effect of thyroid abnormality
  33. Preventing obesity
  34. X-ray
  35. Good oral hygiene (hygiene)
  36. Do not eat salt (salt-free diet)
  37. Vitamin B1
  38. Coenzym Q10 - CoQ10
  39. Vitamin E