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Bladder Disease

Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
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Disease group Treatment (support)
Bladder Disease
(Bladder Prolapse,
Bladder Enlargement,
Bladder cancer ,
Urge incontinence,
Bladder Neck Constriction,
Overactive bladder)
  1. Urologist
  2. Honey with cinnamon
  3. Strengthening bladder wall muscle
  4. Adequate drinking
  5. Coriander
  6. General practitioner
  7. Preventing obesity
  8. Strengthen pelvic floor
  9. Antidepressants (imipramine)
  10. Reduce pressure
  11. Oxybutynin
  12. Propantheline
  13. Bladder training (pee)
  14. Hyoscyamine
  15. Biofeedback
  16. Midstream urine - washed pond (diagnosis)
  17. Drink no alcohol
  18. High fiber foods
  19. Antibiotics (cure)
  20. Drinking cranberry juice
  21. Pain clinic
  22. Vagina wipe from front to back
  23. No caffeine - caffeine free diet
  24. Botox in the bladder wall
  25. Cabazitaxel (Jevtana®)
  26. Plas Resources
  27. Reflexology
  28. Pessarium
  29. Lactobacilli - probiotics
  30. Bearberry
  31. Botox threatment
  32. Right down time urination
  33. Regular urination
  34. Surgical removal
  35. Blueberry
  36. Dridase (Oxybutinin)
  37. Urine checked by general practitioner
  38. D-mannose
  39. Detrusitol (tolterodine)