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Memory impairment

Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
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Disease group Treatment (support)
Memory impairment
Memory disorder,
Brain Disease,
Memory loss (amnesia),
Cognitive aging - aging of memory,
Deteriorated short term memory,
Worsened long-term memory,
Memory disorder)
  1. Green tea
  2. High dose vitamin B
  3. Daily Juice Drink
  4. Brain Training (braingymmer)
  5. Turmeric
  6. Omega-3
  7. Sufficient exercise
  8. Healthy Eating
  9. Protein Dnmt3a2
  10. Due to high blood pressure
  11. Vitamin B12
  12. Ginkgo biloba
  13. Brain Training
  14. Flavonoids (blueberries, blackberries, etc.)
  15. Regular coffee drinking
  16. Carnitine
  17. Cacao
  18. General practitioner
  19. Folate
  20. Sufficient sleep
  21. Rivastigmine (Exelon)
  22. Vitamin E
  23. Vitamin B1
  24. Preventing obesity
  25. Meditate
  26. Remain socially active
  27. Bexarotene - edited form of vitamin A
  28. Blueberries
  29. No smoking
  30. Theanine
  31. Vitamin B
  32. Vitamin D
  33. Glutathione
  34. Eyetest (difficult to look away from the light)
  35. Limited number of carbohydrates
  36. Talk Therapy
  37. Cholinesterase inhibitors
  38. Iodine
  39. Drink no alcohol