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Disease group

Below you will find an overview of treatments that can help to cure or make the disease bearable, sorted or relevant.
Attention! Be aware that these are merged groups and that treatments do not automatically apply to all disorders? Click on the individual disorders to see a more specific overview.

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Disease group Treatment (support)
Roundworms (ascaris lubricoides))
  1. Tape test (to recognize worm eggs)
  2. Coconut Oil
  3. Diet
  4. Vermox
  5. Antifungal ointment
  6. Keep nails short
  7. Wash hands before eating
  8. Prevention of physical contact
  9. Bedding and clothes> 60graden
  10. Avoid contact pets
  11. Mebendazole worm
  12. Gauze Dressing (chamomile tea)
  13. Avoid contact chrysanthemums
  14. Avoiding milk
  15. No smoking
  16. Avoid contact geraniums
  17. General practitioner
  18. Gauze Dressing (boric acid)
  19. No fabric softener
  20. Leidapharm Anti-Worm Tabletten
  21. Rest
  22. Honey with cinnamon
  23. Anti-worm medication
  24. Daily clean underwear
  25. Regular clean toilet seat and door handles
  26. Treating the whole family
  27. Bacillinum (homeopathy)
  28. Homeopathy