Home / Treatment group / Mindfulness-group

Food group


Below is an overview of conditions that are related to the selected treatment group.
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These lists are listed in order of the added knowledge of healthcare professionals and visitors.

Food group Diseases
(Depression mindfulness based cognitive therapy,
Focus on what you are doing - live in here and now (mindfullness),
Eating mindful)
  1. Depression
  2. Parkinson disease
  3. Autism
  4. Inability to think clearly
  5. Memory disorder
  6. Headache
  7. Nental health problem
  8. Memory impairment
  9. Aging
  10. Brain Disease
  11. Heart and vascular disease
  12. Dementia
  13. Burnout
  14. Heart disease
  15. Cognitive aging - aging of memory
  16. Migraine
  17. High blood pressure
  18. Stress
  19. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  20. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  21. Chronic pain
  22. Alzheimer
  23. ADHD (Hyperactivity)
  24. Bipolar disorder