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Food group


Below is an overview of conditions that are related to the selected treatment group.
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These lists are listed in order of the added knowledge of healthcare professionals and visitors.

Food group Diseases
(Coenzym Q10 - CoQ10,
Vitamin A (retinol),
Vitamin K,
Oxalate-rich foods,
Vitamin C,
Histamine-rich food,
Spinach (glass / can),
Green vegetables and fruit)
  1. Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)
  2. Reduced resistance
  3. Allergy
  4. Aging of the skin (i.e. lines)
  5. Diabetes
  6. COVID-19
  7. Dermatitis
  8. Parkinson disease
  9. Vitamin Lack
  10. Imflammation
  11. About Fatigue
  12. Cancer
  13. Vitamin C deficiency
  14. Bone disease
  15. Open leg
  16. Brain Disease
  17. Gum inflammation (gingivitis)
  18. Diverticulitis
  19. Alzheimer
  20. Toothache
  21. Prostate Cancer
  22. Dementia
  23. Memory disorder
  24. Yeast infection (vagina)
  25. Aging
  26. Acne
  27. Memory impairment
  28. Xanthelasma - cholesterol accumulation
  29. Heart disease
  30. Vascular Disease
  31. Dyskeratosis follicularis (Darier disease)
  32. Rheumatism (artritis)
  33. Reuma
  34. Post-traumatic dystrophy (PD)
  35. Clotting Deviation
  36. Hereditary baldness - AGA
  37. Brittle bones (osteoporosis)
  38. Eye disease
  39. Chronic fatigue syndrome - ME / CVS
  40. Nental health problem