Home / Treatment group / Nettle Tea Drinking-group

Food group

Nettle Tea Drinking-group

Below is an overview of conditions that are related to the selected treatment group.
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These lists are listed in order of the added knowledge of healthcare professionals and visitors.

Food group Diseases
Nettle Tea Drinking
(Nettle Tea Drinking,
Freeze-dried nettle)
  1. Pfeiffer disease
  2. Myalgia
  3. Allergy
  4. Hay fever (pollinosis, allergic to pollen)
  5. Glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation)
  6. Renal failure (chronic)
  7. Damaged cartilage (knee)
  8. Urinary tract infection
  9. Prostate Disease
  10. House dust mite allergy
  11. Kidney disease
  12. Reuma
  13. Imflammation
  14. Joint disease
  15. Brittle bones (osteoporosis)
  16. Osteoarthritis
  17. Muscular
  18. Liver disease
  19. Sciatica
  20. Prostate enlargement (benign)
  21. Plas Disorder
  22. Animal Allergy
  23. Gout