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Food group

Healthy lifestyle-group

Below is an overview of conditions that are related to the selected treatment group.
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These lists are listed in order of the added knowledge of healthcare professionals and visitors.

Food group Diseases
Healthy lifestyle
(Healthy living,
Healthy Eating,
Sufficient exercise)
  1. Cold Sores - herpes simplex
  2. Dizziness - balance problem
  3. Genital herpes (SOA)
  4. Rheumatism (artritis)
  5. Reduced resistance
  6. Dementia
  7. Overweight
  8. Reuma
  9. Stress
  10. Bad mood
  11. Parkinson disease
  12. O-legs
  13. Diffusa alopecia (hair loss)
  14. Memory disorder
  15. Fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism)
  16. About Fatigue
  17. Depression
  18. Heart and vascular disease
  19. Heart disease
  20. Weight gain
  21. Cellulite - cellulite
  22. Aging
  23. Cognitive aging - aging of memory
  24. Vascular Disease
  25. Muscular Rheumatism (PMR)
  26. Stroke
  27. Frontotemporal dementia
  28. Unstable angina (angina)
  29. Rickets
  30. Edema
  31. Cancer
  32. Yeast infection (vagina)
  33. Burnout
  34. Hemorrhoids
  35. Back pain (lower back)
  36. Memory impairment
  37. Osteoarthritis
  38. Restless Legs Syndrom (RLS)
  39. COVID-19
  40. Heartburn (heartburn)