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Diet and disease

Nutrition controls an important part of everyone's life. Choosing a healthy alternative is often easy.
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Diet and disease
Eating asparagus

Can support with:

  1. Headache
  2. Rheumatism (artritis)
  3. Hepatitis B - liver inflammation (SOA)
  4. Muscular Rheumatism (PMR)
  5. Leukemia (blood cancer)
  6. PBC (primary biliary cirrhosis)
  7. Hepatitis A (liver inflammation)
  8. Tough mucus in the throat
  9. Cysts (liver)
  10. Cancer
  11. Liver cancer
  12. Parkinson disease
  13. Hemorrhoids
  14. Liver disease
  15. Fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism)
  16. Cirrhosis
  17. Reactive arthritis
  18. Hepatitis C (liver inflammation)
  19. Diabetes
  20. Juvenile Arthritis
  21. Hangover after drinking
  22. Cluster Headache
  23. Overweight
  24. Bowel disease
  25. Tension Headache
  26. Reduced resistance
  27. Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
  28. Memory impairment
  29. Vascular Disease
  30. Imflammation
  31. Reuma
  32. Dementia
  33. Menstruation
  34. Bile duct cancer
  35. Fertility Disorder
  36. Memory disorder
  37. Pfeiffer disease
  38. Pregnancy
  39. Period cramps
  40. Kidney disease
  41. Aging of the skin (i.e. lines)
  42. Brain Disease
  43. Concentration Disorder
  44. Infertility
  45. Aging
  46. Gout
  47. Autoimmune disease
  48. Stomach Disorder
  49. Urinary tract infection
  50. Arteriosclerosis
  51. Alzheimer
  52. Iliotibial Friction Syndrome - Runners knee
  53. Tendonitis
  54. Overweight by acidification