Home / Health claims / Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

Health claims

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

The official health claims below are available for Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and are shown in order of occurrence according to the symptomszoeker.nl data.

The definition of health claims is contained in Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. Under the Claims Regulation, only health claims that are scientifically substantiated and understandable to the consumer are permitted.

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    Scope Health claim (EFSA)
    Cholesterol - maintain
    • Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels

    View power sources with 'Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) '

    The values below are taken from "NEVO online, version 2019 / 6.0. RIVM, Bilthoven"
    *No ADH known

    Food per 100 grams (top 20) Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) [g]
    Linseed 9.99
    Linseed oil 9.99
    Chia seeds dried 9.99
    Hemp seed 8.69
    Coffee creamer 8.54
    Kumquat 7.14
    Soya oil 6.86
    Margarine liquid 80 fat <17 g sat salted 6.85
    Margarine liquid 80 fat <17 g sat salted 6.80
    Margarine liquid 80 fat <17 g sat salted 6.70
    Walnuts unsalted 6.54
    Fruit muesli 6.54
    Bake and cooking fat liquid 97 fat <17g sat salted 6.40
    Bake and cooking fat vita d'or meat 6.25
    Margarine liquid 80 fat <17 g sat salted 6.20
    Kumquat 5.90
    Bake and cooking fat vlb 97 fat <17g sat fat unsalted 5.80
    Margarine liquid 80 fat <17 g sat salted 5.80
    Kumquat 5.10
    Gravy 75 fat unbound prepared without gravy powder 4.80